Cal 467 Time 60min
Estimated Cost $1.67
This meal requires starting a day before, doesn't take much actual time though, just letting bread rise and bake! (See Sourdough Bread Recipe)
60 min cooking time does not include making sourdough bread.
With your beautiful loaf of sourdough that you made earlier, cut bread into 1/2" slices.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
While oven is preheating, soak dehydrated bell peppers and onions in bowl of water to rehydrate and let sit for 10 min.
In separate bowl, combine freeze dried cheese with water to rehydrate and let sit for 10 min, stirring occasionally to make sure the water gets absorbed by the cheese.
In a glass baking dish(9x9 (serves 5) or 9x13 (serves 10)), spray with cooking spray.
Line the bottom of the pan with slices of bread to cover entire bottom.
In a separate bowl, combine egg power and water for egg powder. Mix well.
Next add the evaporated milk to the egg mix. Do not dilute the evaporated canned milk.
Drain the water from the bowl of rehydrated peppers and onions and add to egg mix. Stir well.
Pour egg / vegetable mix over bread slices in casserole pan.
Place in preheated oven (350 degrees) for 30-45 mins, until the egg is cooked thoroughly.
Once cooked, remove from oven and sprinkle the top with rehydrated shredded cheese and green onions.
Place back in the oven for 5-10 minutes, until cheese is melted.
While cheese is melting, mix up your sour cream powder with the water for sour cream. Stir well.
Once cheese is melted, let cool for 5 minutes.
Slice cooked strata into rectangles and serve with spatula.
Top with sour cream and salsa, salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy your Southwest Strata.