Cal 671 Time 40min
Estimated Cost $2.42
This meal requires starting a day before, doesn't take much actual time though, just letting rolls rise and bake! (See Sourdough Dinner Rolls Recipe)
40 min cooking time does not include making sourdough rolls.
With your beautiful pan of dinner rolls ready, do not break apart.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Keep all rolls together in a giant sea of rolls. Remove them from the pan and place on large cutting board.
With the longest serrated knife you have, lightly place one hand on top of the rolls and with the other hand, slice all the rolls in half, parallel to the counter so you have one giant sandwich.
Separate the two halves, keeping the orientation lined up so when you close the sandwich again, all the rolls will line up.
Put the bottom half of the rolls back in their original pan. This will make it easiest for reassembly and baking.
In a small bowl, combine the freeze dried mozzarella cheese and water for freeze dried cheese. Stir and let rehydrate for 5-10 minutes.
In a small sauce pan, mix the butter powder and water for the butter powder.
Add italian seasoning, and garlic to the butter and cook on low til just barely melted.
Once melted, spread half of the seasoned butter on the top of the bottom half of the rolls. (Most all ingredients will be placed on the bottom half)
Open the pepperoni log by removing the outer plastic. Also, remove the inner brown liner as well.
Slice the pepperoni in little discs, as thin as you can, 1/8- 1/4" thick,
Layer the pepperoni on top of the butter layer on the top of the bottom half of the rolls.
Next take the plastic packaging off the white cheddar american cheese. Place about 2 slices per roll.
On top of the sliced american cheese, layer on the rehydrated freeze dried mozzarella.
Now on the bottom of the top portion of the rolls, spread the other half of the seasoned butter.
Flip the top of the rolls back to its bottom half, back into the original pan.
Place assembled sliders back in the 350 degree oven for 15-20 mins to melt the cheese.
While the rolls are baking, open the marinara jar and pour it into a small sauce pan.
Cook marinara on medium low for 15-20 minutes. Should take about the same amount of time as baking the rolls.
Once the cheese in the sliders have melted, turn off oven and remove pan to let cool.
Turn off the heat for the marinara.
Slice the rolls with a knife along their separated roll segments.
Laddle about 1/4 cup of marinara into a shallow bowl dish.
Serve the sliders warm with the cheese still melting, with the marinara for dipping.
Enjoy the sweet savory sliders and applaud yourself for your amazing skills!