Cal 618 Time 45min
Estimated Cost $1.96
In pot, combine rice and water to boil rice. Turn stove on high and bring rice to rolling boil. Stirring every couple minutes so there are no clumps.
Let rice boil for 10 minutes, stirring every couple minutes.
After 10 minutes, turn stove OFF and stir one last time. There will still be lots of water in the pot.
Cover pot of rice with lid and let cook for 30 minutes. Do not let any steam out of the rice. The rice needs all the water to cook fully. If you're looking, it ain't cooking. Keep covered.
As rice is cooking, open can(s) of chicken and drain water.
In a medium bowl, dump the drained chicken in.
Add mayonnaise, mustard, dill relish, dried cranberries, sliced almonds, red wine vinegar, and salt and pepper.
Mix all ingredients together well.
Once rice has finished cooking, all water should be absorbed and rice should be light and fluffy.
Serve 1/2 c rice rice in bowl and top with 1/2 cup of chicken cranberry mix.
Top with green onions and additional salt and pepper, as needed. Enjoy!