Cal 494 Time 20min
Estimated Cost $1.74
**This meal requires starting a day before and a sourdough starter, doesn't take much actual time though, just letting bread rise and bake! (See Sourdough Bread Recipe)**
20 min cooking time does not include making english muffins.
With your sourdough English muffins, made and ready to go, slice them in half to make open face sandwiches, (See English Muffin Recipe HERE)
This meal's ingredients includes everything you need to make the English muffins, just need to start a day before.
Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
On a large cookie sheet, place your halved English muffins face up.
Spread 1/2 teaspoon of mayonnaise and 1/2 teaspoon of mustard on every muffin.
Add a slice of cheese to each muffin and place in oven to warm and melt the cheese for 5-10 minutes. Keep an eye that the cheese doesn't burn.
In medium bowl, mix egg powder, water for egg powder. You can make all the scrambled eggs at once for individual or group.
Heat well oiled pan or skillet to medium heat on the stove.
Pour egg mixture into pan or skillet on stove and stir continuously until thoroughly cooked, all fluff, no wet.
With hot pad, remove English muffins from oven.
Place about an 1/8 cup of scrambled egg on top of each muffin.
Sprinkle with green onions and enjoy your open faced cheesy egg English Muffin.