Cal 534 Time 30min
Estimated Cost $1.34
Let be honest, we are making boxed muffins. Instructions are on the box of whichever you buy. 🤪
If you're like me and want to make it with powdered eggs, it's so easy.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Line muffin pan with baking cups or spray with non-stick cooking spray. (I love using jumbo size but you can use standard or mini)
Open box and remove can of blueberries.
Open blueberries and drain out the water, rinse well.
Open the package of muffin mix powder and pour into medium bowl.
Add egg powder mix, water for egg powder, water for mix, and olive oil. (If it calls for vegetable oil, I always use olive oil, way healthier for you)
Mix well.
Fold in blueberries to muffin batter.
Divide batter evenly between your muffin tins, filling 2/3 full.
Place in oven for 14-22 minutes depending on the size of muffin you are cooking. (22-28 minutes for jumbo muffins, 18-22 min for standard, and 14-16 minutes for mini muffins)
Keep an eye on them til they are golden brown.
Once cooked, remove from oven and let cool 5 minutes.
Eat warm if you have patience. I usually inhale them when they are still hot and burning my mouth, do not advise, but sooo delicious.